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Message from the Organizer!

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Hello dear ones, graduates and friends of Educating Hands School of Massage,

As most of you already know, I sold Educating Hands in 2017 and, unfortunately, the new owners ran it into the ground and abandoned it by the end of 2018. So, alas, after 37 years, it is no more. However, the spirit of the school still lives on in the minds and hearts of those who went through the program, attended clinics and continuing education classes and shopped in the bookstore.

Beyond the memories, the physical remains of the school include an amazing collection of books from the libraries and bookstore, charts, equipment, models and more. In fact, some of the books are rare or out of print and are a truly valuable resource for anyone who would like their own personal reference library. (I hear books are making a comeback!)

To get these valuable resources into the hands of those who can appreciate and use them, they have been catalogued and organized for a great “Massage Garage Sale Fundraiser” benefitting Habitat for Humanity, Doctors Without Borders, St. Jude Hospital and NPR.

With the assistance of a couple of grads, I have already done the “heavy lifting” by organizing and staging it all in my actual garage.

The sale proceeds, as stated, will be given to Habitat for Humanity, Doctors Without Borders, St. Jude Hospital and NPR in recognition of two key figures in the school’s history who have passed on...Eugene Donaldson, the founding father with whom I co-created the foundational framework of the school & my husband, Ed Wilson, a nurturing teacher and father figure to many over the years. What better way to honor them and the gifts they gave us than to contribute to some of the charities they held dear in support of a better world.

If you have an interest in helping to make this happen, signup for the day you'd like to come in and make your purchases. slots are limited to 8 people max to control the flow of traffic in the area. 


In this life, whenever you can, Choose Joy!

Much love to all,


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